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"If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside down all alone, these together ought to be able to turn it back and get it right side up again."

- Sojourner Truth

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Latest news

  • Our most recent event  â€‹â€‹- Different Women Different Places - Future-Proofing Our Tomorrow Today - 30th September 2021

          Watch the video below...


  • "Our Story" â€‹â€‹

We are also looking forward to sharing "Our Story" - A dynamic interactive presentation of DWDP2020 research findings with the Law firm Clifford Chance and clients on the 17th May


  • ​Future-proofing our tomorrow: Our Celebration of

          International Women's Day

          25th March 2021 

          Virtual Webinar

          Watch the recording HERE


  • The Power of Tribe: Same Gender, Different Race​​

         1st October 2020 

          Virtual Webinar

          Watch the recording HERE


  • Virtual Webinar​​

Changing Our Story, Owning Our Voice, Speaking Our Truth

3.45pm-6.00pm, 30th  July 2020 

Virtual Webinar


  • DWDP2 at Aviva

Uncovering Different Women: The Way Forward

5.30pm, 10th  February 2020 

Aviva, St Helens, 1 Undershaft, London, EC3P 3DQ


  • DWDP2 Launch Event 

"Our Story, Our Voice, Our Truth” 

17.30pm, 19th September 2019 

Bloomberg, 3 Queen Victoria Street, London, EC4N 4TQ


  • The Different Women Different Places 2 online survey opened on 16th July and the response has been amazing! The survey is now closed and has been incredibly successful. 


  • "In the Company of Different Women", our unique dinner discussion event, hosted by Bloomberg, took place on November 14th. Thank you to all who took part in such an empowering, interactive and thought-provoking evening. 

  • The next "In the Company of Different Women: Same Gender, Different Race" discussion event, hosted by Northern Trust, will take place on December 4th. We're looking forward to this exciting event with a difference.

Our most recent event  â€‹â€‹- Different Women Different Places - Future-Proofing Our
Tomorrow Today -
 30th September 2021


Leadership has no boundaries, no borders, no limits. Our podcast reveals the real, uncontaminated lives, experiences and successes of culturally diverse leaders, people like you and me, making a positive contribution to the world. Hear and learn from our stories, tools, tips, and strategies wrapped in authentic conversations.


We are a tribe worth listening to. Coming soon.

The DWDP2 online survey is now complete.

No woman left behind - not on our watch!



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Different Women Different Places is proudly hosted by The Diversity Practice, a company registered in England and Wales with company number 04686481. The company's registered address is 22 The Drive, Coulsdon, Surrey CR5 2BL.

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