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"I want to be valued and respected in all of my femaleness because I deserve to be."

- Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche (abridged)

The purpose of Different Women Different Places 2 is to:


Building on the primary data gathered in 2007 to see how Different Women’s story has evolved or changed Different Women, Different Places 2 asked the questions:

  • Where are we now?  What has fundamentally changed for Different Women in the workplace?  What's the same? 


  • What can we learn by examining the leadership approaches of Different Women? 


  • What is the relationship between Different Women and their white female counterparts? Is the Gender Agenda inclusive? 


  • How do Millennial women’s experiences differ, if at all?  


  • Will our findings be impacted by including women from the United States, the UAE and other parts of the world? 


  • Do organisations really understand, appreciate and value the distinct leadership contribution Different Women make?​


The ambition is to reframe the Gender Agenda and boldly start a new global conversation that focuses on, values, and is truly inclusive of ALL women. 


The research approach involved: 


  • A web based survey, comprising 54 questions, and targeted Different Women based in the UK, the USA, and the UAE. – In total we had 543 survey contributors


  • 5 Discussion events for Different Women, White Women, Different Men, and a bespoke session for Different Women in the Civil Service. – In total over 80 people participated â€‹


  • In depth interviews with 14 Different Women of Distinction – selected because of their high-profile roles, senior leadership positions and/or unique career journeys. 


The Power of Tribe: Same Gender, Different Race

1st October 2020

Virtual Webinar


Watch the recording HERE

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