"I want to be valued and respected in all of my femaleness because I deserve to be."
- Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche (abridged)
The purpose of Different Women Different Places 2 is to:
Building on the primary data gathered in 2007 to see how Different Women’s story has evolved or changed Different Women, Different Places 2 asked the questions:
Where are we now? What has fundamentally changed for Different Women in the workplace? What's the same?
What can we learn by examining the leadership approaches of Different Women?
What is the relationship between Different Women and their white female counterparts? Is the Gender Agenda inclusive?
How do Millennial women’s experiences differ, if at all?
Will our findings be impacted by including women from the United States, the UAE and other parts of the world?
Do organisations really understand, appreciate and value the distinct leadership contribution Different Women make?​
The ambition is to reframe the Gender Agenda and boldly start a new global conversation that focuses on, values, and is truly inclusive of ALL women.
The research approach involved:
A web based survey, comprising 54 questions, and targeted Different Women based in the UK, the USA, and the UAE. – In total we had 543 survey contributors
5 Discussion events for Different Women, White Women, Different Men, and a bespoke session for Different Women in the Civil Service. – In total over 80 people participated ​
In depth interviews with 14 Different Women of Distinction – selected because of their high-profile roles, senior leadership positions and/or unique career journeys.